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Chapter News

  • Omega Spring Induction

    Happy Spring Omega members!  

    Join Us for our Spring induction ceremony celebrating our latest class of inductees.

    Thursday April 25th 6pmEST on YouTube!

    Dr. Janice Agazio, current governance committee member, former Sigma Director and Associate Dean of Nursing at The Catholic University of America will be presenting. 

  • Omega Chapter Virtual Induction Ceremony and Educational Event

    Head to our events page for details on our Fall 2023 Omega Induction Ceremony and Educational Offering.  

    Dec. 7, 2023 we will celebrate our newest inductees to Sigma's Omega Chapter.  Please join us at 6pm EST.  

    Following the induction, we will have a presentation on Nurse Burnout presented by Marian Faculty member Marie Beechy, MSN, RN, PMH-BC, CNE.  

    In the fast-paced and demanding world of healthcare, nurses are often the unsung heroes who provide unwavering care and support to patients. However, the toll of this demanding profession can lead to nurse burnout, affecting both their well-being and patient outcomes. Join us as we explore strategies and insights to reduce nurse burnout and maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Chapter Events